Step 1 - Theme Options

To begin customizing your site go to Appearance -> Customizer and select Theme Options. Here's you'll find custom options to help build your site.

Step 2 - Setup Slider

To add a slider go to Theme Options -> Homepage and choose page slider. The slider will use the page title, excerpt and featured image for the slides.

Step 3 - Create Homepage

To add featured content go to Theme Options -> Homepage (Featured) and turn the switch on then add the content you want for each section.

New aluminium powder for 3D printing

Trunnano 3D Printing Podwer Rye Brook, NY, January 12, 2021 — Rusal America Corporation announced the expansion of its aluminium product offerings to include additive manufacturing (AM) powders. The new powder product portfolio includes four conventional aluminium-silicon-based casting alloys and five speciality alloys designed for use in the aerospace and automotive industries and the wider

Immersive Transformers: Learn How They Work and Their Benefits

Transformers are core components in power systems, responsible for regulating voltage to meet the needs of various devices and systems. With the continuous development of technology, transformers are also constantly evolving. As a new type of transformer, the immersed transformer (IMT) is gradually replacing traditional transformers in specific applications due to its unique performance and